Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Yay. A blog. For me. Erm. Yay.

So then. At first I've ignored it. Then I've opposed it. I think the next thing was I laughed at it. Damn. Now I've joined it. The big crowd. That blogs. And grows.
At first it was worthless. Then it was time consuming. I think after that I just wasn't sure anymore if sanity has any applicable (or: usable, qualitative) meaning, other than being an abstract word describing someone's approval of your action(s). Damn. Now it's just interesting. The big crowd. That blogs. And grows.
So then. I dropped my reservations. Let me see how I can grow with this blogging crowd. Um. Maybe, how I can blog with this growing crowd? Perhaps, how I can crowd with this growing blog? Whatever.


At Wednesday, June 30, 2004 7:32:00 PM, Blogger AlesS said...

Bila je skoraj vsiljena odločitev. Moje filozofske dileme so prerasle okvire vzdržljivosti prijateljev in znancev in zato raje kot njihove sive celice tukaj kurim elektrone. ;)
Odkar sem začel aktivno razmišljati o tem, kaj bi lahko vse nablogal, sem opazil da tega sploh ni malo. Vsekakor, takoj ko odprem blog pa mi vse spolzi v neznane širjave... Se bom že česa spomnil. Rabim samo človeka s svojo predstavo o svetu za predmet razprave. :]

At Thursday, July 01, 2004 3:56:00 AM, Blogger Dav said...

Ooookay, can I post something in english here? Well good to hear you're on the blog-bandwagon, so I'm going to say 'Welcome!'

Soon you might even get access to Google's Beta Email service. :)

At Thursday, July 01, 2004 8:46:00 AM, Blogger AlesS said...

Yay! Dav! How are you? You don't show up on irc anymore and you didn't respond to my e-mail; I thought you turned into a slave or something as you wrote something about lots of work in your homepage. Or maybe you're out of fudge? ;)

At Thursday, July 01, 2004 9:32:00 AM, Blogger Dav said...

hrmm fudge. i didnt get any email dude, mail me :)


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