Friday, August 19, 2005

Forget Einstein

Einstein was wrong! Autodynamics is correct, not relativity theory.

There are thousands of physicists, mathematicians, and scientists who know Einstein's theory is wrong. From the GPS satellites that do not use SR, to particle accelerators themselves that treat mass increase as "non-real", SR, the big bang, and black holes are under attack. In their stead, there is no time dilation, the universe is eternal, and black holes are simply dense objects. No wormholes, no neutrinos, no imaginary objects or particles.
There is a conspicuous absence of support for Einstein's Special theory of Relativity. Groups such as the Natural Philosophy Alliance and the SAA are systematically refuting "proof" for Special Relativity and many aspects of General Relativity.
The infamous atomic clock experiment has been refuted and the data is bogus. In a swarm meeting of the AAAS in Flagstaff Arizona in 1996, Dr. Domina Spencer, physics mathematician from the University of Connecticut, presented a talk "Analysis of the Hafele-Keating Experiment". She received the raw data from one of the authors of the original experiment and concluded that the data published was "completely and utterly fabricated". See


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