Well, enough of winter hibernation.Okay, so I was busy. I'm sorry. But work is really only increasing. I kept saying to myself, "Ugh, I'm too tired, I'll post something the next day. Or the next week. Hm. Month?"
All this thing about not having enough time made me suspect something big yet misteriously intangible, undescribable or unthinkable, could be happening. It's like a time compression, or as Art Bell stated, a quickening.
Then I came upon Terence McKenna who was, in my view, a genious. Among other things, he devised the Novelty Theory based on ancient Chinese I-Ching. The Time Wave, which is the essence of the Novelty Theory, shows that the novelty has a tendency to increase with time. In other words, novelty is taking over the world. This time wave is also fractal in nature, which means chaotic and self-similar.
As far as I can tell, according to this time wave, the pattern of novelty is repeating (self-similarity) over time, with every next occurence taking much less time and thus having more novelty. It's like focusing on a certain spot on a border of the Mandelbrot Bug and looking at it through a greater and greater magnification. The rate of this, should I say, novelty compression looks like it is exponential. Thus the feeling of time compression - a feeling there is more and more things occuring in a unit of time as time goes forward.
What bugs me is that according to the novelty theory the time wave ends on 21st of December 2012. The same date as the Mayan calendar ends. And the first wasn't based on the second, so it's rather a curious coincidence.