Thursday, July 08, 2004

Playing Games

I don't play computer games. Some people just have a problem with that. Well I don't play computer games. I find them boring. It's just not interesting to me to type on the keyboard, sometimes almost flattening keys, and have my face glued to the display. It's not appealing to me to observe what the computer will draw in response to my (and others') keypresses. But there will always be people, that just won't have a no for an answer. Take a look at Davin, for example. He's all enthusiastic about a game he's making with Game Maker. But I'm just unable to appreciate his new hobby. Therefore, to maintain his meaning of life, I must ask you, my dear netizens, to step in for me and nudge him a bit to send you his masterpiece. No doubt, he'll be very glad. ;) He told me it's a 1945 clone, whatever that means.

On the other note, I have a game installed on my computer. It's called Unreal Tournament. I only played it once. One of my flatmates got very vocal about it on one Tuesday not long ago, so I installed it. We played for about two hours. I kept losing. It was just boring. Then he gave up. I mean, what do people want? Blood? Is it then that you'll be convinced I really mean no? :->

In general I have observed I'm not a visual person. For example, I remember shapes, but I don't remember colours. I'll remember roughly what clothes you wore yesterday, but there's no way I'll be able to remember what colour they were. Of course I can see colours, but my mind works in a more abstract way, it's as if internally I process everything in shades of grey, in a basic flat linear manner; colours just don't matter. I mean, you should see my linux desktop: a black screen with a few xterms (basic terminal windows with no menus or icons, just rectangles with text) with black backgrounds and, of course, mozilla (a web browser). Rarely I have anything else open, too. I even use fvwm as my window manager, an oooooold thing. As a side note, every person has a predominant sense that can be one of: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.

It's similar with games. If playing a computer game, then at one time I'll start yawning and if I won't stop soon afterwards I'll risk spraining my jaw. On the other hand, if you invite me to a game of tennis, I won't hesitate to join. Some people are not very interested in physical activities, as I'm not interested in "virtual" activities. I don't care about LAN parties, but I'll always be happy to join in cycling, running, playing tennis, and anything else you can teach me. ;) I like outdoor activities, with the exception of winter sports. I don't like winters.


At Friday, July 09, 2004 10:35:00 AM, Blogger Dav said...

Do you play pool? Or snooker? Well I don't mind a round of pool, that would be cool.

At Friday, July 09, 2004 10:52:00 AM, Blogger AlesS said...

No, I don't know how to play those, but I like to play billiards. 9-ball is my favourite. :)


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