How to Shoot Photos

I took a walk and noticed some flowers.

Nice! The springtime is finally here.

There was a suspicious looking guy searching for something.

Very suspicious.

I made a fast glance at the nearby castle. Nice sight.

I found another kind of flowers.

They weren't alone.

And a big tree.

With a lot of those violet flowers underneath.

Just look at them!

Even bushes were blooming!

A bee noticed that.

But look at this guy. He keeps staring at me.

Another bush and another bee.

Just this flower and I'm gone.
The Art of Life
What is it all about? Don't you just hate it? There is no reason, no purpose, and above all, nothing counts. Anything with an end is irrelevant to eternity. Perhaps this is why I enjoy sunsets. The end.
To most of the people endings are something fearful, they are afraid to even think about them. To me an ending means release. This is why it's quite hard to scare me or to make me panic. But that is also why I'm prone to depression.
But there are a few endings people usually look forward to. Like, diseases. So, how to reach this end, umm? Well, with pills, of course!
Internyet and a Camera
Internot. That #$%&@$% [ insert a lot of lengthy curses and other offending words here ] $@&~#$
ISP is making fun of me and my flatmates. Internet is not working. Okay, maybe it works 10 minutes a day. If I reset the modem at least 10 times. But now we've had it and we are already considering one
other ISP.
In other news, I bought a
camera yesterday! I already took a few pictures. I included my self-portrait in the blogger. And below are two pictures taken from my balcony.

A view from my balcony

And with a 10x zoom