Thursday, August 05, 2004


All responses I get lead me to conclude I'm vain. Well fuck off. No more nice, if boring, language with teasing notes. Let the time of obscenities, vulgarity, and insults commence! I'm aggravated. Very much rightly so. Stupidity may be the main basis of my income, but now I've had it. Everyone seems to get their brains offline during the summer, not just customers. Go to hell. I'm not used to empty smalltalk. Why I'm so quiet? Errr... I've no idea what to say? I don't want to say anything! Yes, I've no idea what you're speaking about. Because it's boring! What do I do? I fuck with people's brains! What did you ever do to me? You were born! You don't deserve this? Right, you're an idiot! I'm a pompous prick? Hmmm.... I see I was wrong, you're not as dumb as you seem - that would be impossible!
That dialogue didn't really happen. It's a product of my deranged imagination under the severe pressure of ignorant airheads. And that's the language I'm going to use in the coming days. To blow off some steam. To provoke vanity in you. To show you how vain I really am! Let the nastiness begin! Bloody garrulous birdbrains.


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