Monday, July 26, 2004

LDAP Revisited

Haaa! I knew LDAP is easy! Those books just wouldn't be thick enough if they wouldn't employ a good deal of intimidation. ;) I've applied for an OID at IANA and I've already designed the arc for my company. I've resolved all issues around accessing LDAP server from within python scripts and now I'm in the process of designing attribute types and object identifiers for that portal I'm working on. mod_python for Apache is very simple to use, especially with the publisher handler - form data is already preprocessed, you just have to write functions that take form variables as arguments and return a string containing the resulting web page, and everything can be in one file, easilly sharing functions. Or not, it's on you to decide - very good! I must say, python is very easy to learn; I know (and use) perhaps only 20% of its capability and this is more than enough for doing simple web processing. And there are libraries for virtually everything. I remember just 8 years ago writing sophisticated CGI data preprocessing functions in C; I used them quite a lot in little pet projects, mostly to handle registrations for various BBQs and pizza parties. ;) But now with python, web programming just can't get any easier. And I've also tried and used PHP before. Compared to python, PHP is just ugly. And don't even talk to me about perl. :>
I feel great! I think I'll go out for a beer or three, now that friends have rescheduled playing billiards to tomorrow. :]


At Tuesday, July 27, 2004 3:43:00 AM, Blogger Dav said...

PHP is ugly huh? Well I've only STARTED to look at it, and I'm feeling a little sick already. LoL.
But yeah I'll come along for the beers and pool/billards.

At Tuesday, July 27, 2004 1:30:00 PM, Blogger AlesS said...

PHP is just C syntax embedded into html code with a primitive object model. C'mon, already if you want to be certain you're referencing global variables (say, from an included file), something very common for a beginner, it looks something like $GLOBALS["variable"]. And the object model is just horrible, using $this->variable. Ugh. I haven't looked at the version 5 though. It was released recently.


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