Tuesday, July 20, 2004

The Internet is a Conspiracy

<AlesS> 'morning :]
<valen> Welcome my monday co-conspirator.
<AlesS> hello valen :]
<valen> So
<valen> It's Tuesday now. :)
<AlesS> yeah, a clear sign of conspiracy
<valen> What to do tonight
<valen> I'm running low on ideas. :/
<AlesS> want to uncover another conspiracy? :]
<valen> LOL
<valen> I'm conspiracied out for now. :)
<AlesS> oh, there's plenty of them, anything you can think of is a conspiracy
<valen> Yes
<valen> Humm
<AlesS> even the fact you can't think of anything is a clear sign of conspiracy: what is the probability there is no conspiracy? You've been brainwashed, clearly.
<valen> True
<valen> I mean... Look at the IRC servers.
<valen> I guess you could consider them a conspiracy
<valen> 4 out of the 5 servers I'm on are based on the exact same software.
<AlesS> no guessing necessary, it's a fact
<valen> One network to rule them all, one network to bind them, one network to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
<valen> In the land of Bahamut where the shadows lie.
<AlesS> irc has been designed to draw your attention from the reality around you to reduce the possibility of you recognising the rule of elite
<valen> Yes
<AlesS> it's quite obvious
<valen> Same as TV.
<valen> As seen on TV. :)
<AlesS> and they didn't stop at irc: there are lots of things, like web, IM, webcams, etc.
<valen> Haha
<AlesS> TV was insufficient, it engaged only lethargic folk
<valen> Behold the corporate rules.
<valen> Internet: W3C (www), IETF (Internet), DALnet (IRC), IM (AOL/MSN/Yahoo), ...
<AlesS> but now you can vent all your anger on internet in a benign manner for the rulers in shadows
<valen> Oh yea... ICANN and ARIN
<valen> They're part of the conspiracy too.
<AlesS> now it's even fashionable to have a blog, waste huge amounts of time posting in it and thus practically becoming a harmless individual they couldn't care less about
<valen> Yes
<valen> Google is known for that.
<valen> With "Blogger"
<valen> And LiveJournal as well.
<AlesS> they're taking all the power of reaction away from you and you even enjoy it
<valen> Yes
<AlesS> "why should I go out and do something about it? I'll just pour my frustrations out in the blog"
<valen> Bingo
<AlesS> and then you think you feel better but you haven't actually done anything
<AlesS> it's very obvious, but only to those that can recognise all the subtlety
<valen> Yep
<AlesS> internet is clearly the result of a conspiracy
<valen> Yep
<valen> No wonder it was formerly an ARPA project
<valen> If people are busy blogging, it's easier to attack them
<AlesS> of course, ARPA is just an executive arm of the elite, a tool for rule
<valen> Yes
<AlesS> but they don't have an attack in mind, there is nothing in it for them
<AlesS> they want to enslave us, they want to make us busy enough with all the mindless banter in forms they can control
<valen> Yes
<AlesS> and then they tax us
<AlesS> and we have to work
<AlesS> and whatever we don't like we can just put in our blogs
<AlesS> that has no effect, but we feel better, and that is all that matters
<valen> Yes
<valen> It's a big giant conspiracy
<AlesS> quite cunning
<valen> Yep
<AlesS> do you mind if I put this online? :>
<valen> Um
<valen> Just as long as you remove the AFK again. LOL
<AlesS> okay ;]


At Tuesday, July 20, 2004 10:04:00 AM, Blogger AlesS said...

My co-conspirator valen also has a blog. ;)

At Wednesday, July 21, 2004 3:30:00 AM, Blogger Dav said...

Dude you scare me man.

AlesS :"why should I go out and do something about it? I'll just pour my frustrations out in the blog"

Man. So afraid... so ..so very afraid.

At Wednesday, July 21, 2004 8:42:00 AM, Blogger AlesS said...

Someone had to scare you. I love scaring people, so... ;]


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