Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Need for Speed

Boy, do I have some soul-killing tasks at work. So boring I'm writing this as an excuse not to be working on one such task. The tasks are fairly easy, what makes them boring is the sheer amount of work. Almost repetetive. In the core of things it actually is repetetive, what changes are a few variables. I'm growing tired of coding Windows GUIs. 90% of things I do is just assembling user interfaces. Actual business logic is only about 10%. This is job for informatics guys. I like system programming, low level things, like coding protocols, complicated multithreaded asynchronous things, not damn inventory statistics that can frighten small children. But this shall change, with a bit of luck. Boss already put out an ad for a part-time job. Hopefuly a Computer Science student will show up and take some work away from me. Boss already told me to write a test for candidates so we'll see who best fits the job.
I can hardly wait for vacations. Sunny beach, cold beer, and beautiful gf. ;)


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