Tuesday, September 21, 2004


Wow, the Generation Trance site was nicely redesigned, and there are quite a few new mixes there. Most notably, now there are also mixes done by Project C, not just DJ GT. From what I've gathered, they're brothers, and have done the last set of 4 CDs together. Now that's interesting. I'm downloading at full throttle. ;) I've already downloaded and listened to Strange Roads 2004 by Project C and I quite like it.
In other news, I can't seem to get rid of my sore throat or something. Others sneeze and blow their noses when they catch a cold, I have a sore throat. And feel feeble. Crap. Well, it's not a sore throat as most of the people know it. I know what a real sore throat is like. But this feels more like an uneasiness and dryness in throat, perhaps even to do something with vocal cords. Nothing nasty, I just sound funny from time to time. ;) And am feeble. Maybe I should eat more. Often I get aware I'm hungry only after I can hear my stomache moaning at me: "giiivee meee fooooood... fooooood..." I never really developed fondness for any food. The other day Davin (happy birthday!) asked me what my favourite dish is and I just couldn't think of any. There is none! It just... depends on... I don't know. Today I like pizza, tomorrow a bowlorama of salads with heavy dressings, the next day I'll fancy a basket of apples, and so on...
I went jogging on Sunday at 9 am and felt wonderful afterwards. Well, after I also ate a huge pile of somethings out of the fridge and rested a bit from the endeavor of fridge-devouring. And sweat a bit. Now that I thought was odd, but then I felt some tackling in my throat and thought, "ah, I knew I should exercise more, haha, dear cold, kiss my throat bye-bye." Yesterday I felt great. After I started the day like an old diesel on a freezing winter day. Today... ermm... I already woke up ultra-sleepy. Must have been the residual effect of only 4 hours of sleep from the previous night. It was mega-dumb to try Earl Green at midnight on Sunday. Yummy tea. Sleepless night. Fucked-up health. So, remember, never try a new brand of tea at midnight. Especially if you're not fully physically fit to face the consequences. :]
My sister got news from the student dorms. She was put on a list of new-residents-to-be and it doesn't look rosy to me. She's waaaay down on the list. Well, not at the bottom, actually almost exactly on the middle of the list, but according to past years' dynamics she'll be able to move in in... ummmm... half a year? Well I told her the facts and I'll cal her tomorrow after she's thought about it a bit.
And now I have to get my health back together. I think I'll (re)start jogging regularly now. My resilience has dropped in the past 2 years. Difficult years... without much of physical activity.
And I have to make plans for my coming birthday! Aaaiiieeee! October 10th is right behind the corner. And some friends have already asked me when will I throw my traditional b-day party. ;) Only... my room is in such a mess... Oh my...
I'll just go home now and do something about my health. Drat, scrap that, I didn't finish programming a module yet... Sometimes I wonder if I'm too good. I have SO MUCH of work to do. Looks like another magic circle. Yummy. I love magic circles. Perhaps a wee too much.


At Thursday, September 23, 2004 4:01:00 AM, Blogger Dav said...

I'm guessing you need to come up with a fav food item by your birthday or its going to suck. :)


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