Sunday, October 10, 2004


Phew, I was at 4 shops today, shopping for... well... foooood. Basically. ;)
Made me pizza. Mmmm. I still know how to make it. In 20 minutes. Not counting baking it. I'll see if I can similarly optimize my timing with the prekmurska gibanica pastry tomorrow.
I entered electricity meter readouts from the previous 3 months into OpenOffice, spent half an hour amusing it with my confusion about its graphing abilities, then I gave up, exported it to a text file, and plotted it with gnuplot. Say whatever you like, but LaTeX and gnuplot are all I need to do any text. Fuck office tools. If it were up to me, everyone would be using only command line (shell) and GUIs would be considered an abomination. There's so damn much work with programming a GUI, and then it wastes so damn much of your time because you get lost in the maze of menus and options and requesters and tabs, and... SHEEESH! What's wrong with a nice simple command that takes a few arguments and does one thing it was programmed to do? It seems to me that with time people just tend to export more and more of their brain functions to the computer. And then suddenly virus writers are no longer needed, they get substitued with chain-mail writers. And spammers don't have to look out for open relays over which to send gazillion copies of spam, just compose the damn spam, add the "send this to 20 people you know and something wonderful will happen to you tomorrow" line, and send it to a few random persons.
Oh, the electricity spending plots:

The expensive tariff

The cheap tariff

One month ago the annoying one of my flatmates ate a few of my nerves wanting the boiler be turned on non-stop. No calculations, no logic, no proof about the hightened electricity spending helped, so there it is, the final proof. I'll print it out and make him eat it. Perhaps it will stop him spending 3/4 of hot water every day.
Um. The TV channel Viva is having Rammstein weekend. Just the accompaniment.



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