Tuesday, September 28, 2004


I just cooked some rice, found a can of tuna, some garlic (I eat lots of garlic), and since I'm eating at the moment, I have time to press a key here and there. ;) Yep, I'm throwing all non-essential things out from my inefficient chaotic schedule. Maybe I'll reintroduce some of them later, when I'm feeling better. Web-browsing is a goner. Except when hunting for info. Procrastination is being reduced towards nothingness. This requires some damn disciplined mind. I lost count of how many times I told myself today to "do something!" :] The result for today is that I was at the office at 9:45 am, I have already done shopping, had a 70-minute run/jogging, a few push-ups and such, and now I finished eating something rich in carbo-hydrates. ;) I found 1L of milk in the fridge that expired yesterday. It's very slightly ultra faintly sour, but I like it sour. I'll drink it all now. That's for some proteins. :] Hmmmm... I'll mix it with some food supplement for weight gain. And I must remember to buy some more milk tomorrow. Years ago there were times I occasionally drank 2L of milk in one day. I like milk. But not some damn UHT or homogenised and/or whatever milk. UHT (Ultra High Temperature) milk has been everything but burned. It even tastes burned. You know milk is homogenised when it has a smoooooooth texture. Um, that is, no texture. White water. Burned white water. Real (good) milk has things floating in it. Um, white fat things. ;) Now that I found a shop selling milk that was only pasteurised (= boiled), yay! Milk, here I come!
My throat and nose are slightly better, but still not healthy. Perhaps I'm on a right track here. :)
And now I'm off to bed. Yes, I already finished the milk. This schedule is still not good enough and I need to get healthy.


At Wednesday, September 29, 2004 7:45:00 AM, Blogger Dav said...

UHT milk and Fresh milk is all good. I cant say that I really LIKE UHT, or that I'd just go for pasteurised milk, its just that UHT is really easy to come by, even here in Singapore/Johor. But its all good :)

Dav "Stuck in Singapore" out

PS: Who's that Lydia person that keeps asking for more posts? She's commented on my I.T. Dregs blog too....

At Wednesday, September 29, 2004 8:07:00 AM, Blogger AlesS said...

Statistical studies are irrelevant. I take research based on statistics as informative, not definite. There are too many variables and to correlate inability to process milk with the people's age is just crazy. In the same way as if I were to tell you that the majority of people that die are over 20 years old. Age is a result, not a cause. Lack of bacteries in digestive system is a result, not a cause. Have you ever compared a homogenised and "raw" milk after they expired (began fermenting)? First, the homogenised takes ages to expire, compared to the "raw" one. Second, the homogenised smells badly, like old socks. Do you know that homogenisation causes some bacteries to be unable to process milk? Now, why would the homogenised milk take so long to expire? Why would someone have trouble digesting it? Hm? Too many variables. Besides, statistics is based on majority. Exceptions must be taken into account. Perhaps more seriously than the majority.

UHT milk is practically sterilised and I haven't seen UHT milk that wouldn't be also homogenised. It has no or very little practical value for the body. A bit hazardous even. Depending on fat. Homogenised fat is that is hazardous. That's why they're reducing milk fat and advertizing "milk fat is bad bad bad". In it's raw form it's good.

PS: I've no idea who Lydia is. Maybe your alter ego. ;)

At Wednesday, September 29, 2004 5:32:00 PM, Blogger Dav said...

I dont think Lydia is my alter ego, I'd know about it if it was so :)

At Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:12:00 PM, Blogger AlesS said...

Geeez, it's not like I drink 2L of milk every day, I don't even drink milk every day. And back in those years of my milk-drinking it was once, perhaps twice a month, that I drank more than 1L of milk in one day. I'm not into force-feeding, or force-anything anyway. If I can't or don't feel good about it then I won't. On the other hand if I desire milk then I drink milk. As much as I want. :]


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